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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Conversation with Love.

n.b. This was copied and posted from besomebodyblog.com

This piece just gave me the chills. It arouse the Poetic person in me. Oh where can I find my elusive Pygmalion?
When can I know if its the right time?Oh when and where and who?

A Conversation with Love.

Yesterday I had a conversation with Love.
She was a lot shorter than I imagined. Less elegant. A slight-frame, lean build… a square-jaw and a great smile… Her skin was thick, but soft. Her voice was light and musical. Her sentences were symphonies.
She was calm, but confident. She paid attention to details. There was a naturalness about her… She didn’t think before she spoke, but somehow the words still seemed to make sense.
There was pain in her eyes – from loss and longing… travels and tribulations… But her gaze was pure… Wrinkles of concern swam across her forehead. Defeat dripped from her neck. Her scars were visible… apparent, but ambiguous.
She was battle-tested.
She told great stories. The kind that people drop everything to hear. The kind that turns a room into an altar… a crowd into a congregation… She spoke about distant lands and amazing adventures… unfamiliar faces but familiar feelings. She talked about heroes, and knights. And dragon slayers. She talked about losing hope and letting go of dreams…
She told of her own enemies: Fear and Insecurity. She explained how they always tried to hold her back… they always tried to cage her. Hate, she could deal with. He was much easier to find. He had a certain smell… Fear was hidden. Insecurity was invisible… She had suffered at their hands before…
She had a long memory, but lived in the moment. She could reminisce without recounting…. recall without reminding… She never sweated the small stuff, but always remembered the little things.
She was real.
She talked about her younger days. She wasn’t a straight-A student. She cut class sometimes. Started fights in the cafeteria. Got caught cheating once or twice… She loved languages. Spanish, Italian… French was her favorite… “je t’aime” et “mon coeur”…
Growing up, she’d often get confused with her sister, Lust. They looked similar, but Lust had a way hotter body…. and longer hair… They were both spontaneous and free, but Lust had a shorter attention span… she could never focus. Lust was always the life of the party. Lust passed out the cake and poured the champagne.
Love washed the dishes.
She said she’d been walking for years…. Been searching for decades. For what, she wasn’t exactly sure…. She was a natural wanderer. An explorer. She said there was something bigger out there… something magical. She couldn’t describe it… only feel it. She dreamed of it her whole life. And she was closer now… she could sense it.
She had no map. No GPS or navigation. Her iPhone was out of service. She just followed the signs… Looked out for clues. Listened. She moved fast, but tried not to run. Every time she sprinted, she slipped. This journey was about pace… about timing. She had to make sure the speed matched her stride.
She never hid from Danger… never turned away from Trouble. Struggle was her sacrifice. Problems were her passage…. She didn’t know how to back down. She welcomed obstacles. She cherished challenges. She could take on anything, anywhere, anytime.
Love was a fighter.
She had seen a lot. Time wasn’t always kind to her. Experience broke promises. Expectation told lies… She had bruises. Wounds. The bottoms of her feet were rough and tired. And at one point, she became bitter. She began to question the voyage. Uncertainty began to outweigh Passion.
She almost gave up. Almost called it quits. She found a safe place, at the edge of the desert, with a beautiful view of the night sky. She had just enough around her to get by… Survive….. But survival was lonely. Survival wasn’t living… The stars were stunning, but she had no one to share them with… Isolation wasn’t the answer.
So, she began again. Moving. Forward… She was wiser this time. Stronger. More focused. She could still feel Fear close, but he didn’t hold her captive…Caution didn’t constrain her. She was just more careful… She asked the right questions… Recognized the clear signals… Made quicker decisions… She knew better now…
Love was ready.
We talked for hours… the conversation ended too soon…
She left early. She wrote a note,  and told me not to wait up. She’d find me again, when the time was right.
I didn’t get to say goodbye.
I’m glad… I didn’t want to.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Broken heart's soliloquy

I dont want to tell that I have been there.
But i just cant help it, its a beware
its a caveat to anyone who dares
to enter this realm when no one else cares
if this is the foxy lady's taste of her first share.

I hate to admit it, but really its true
that i have been busted by someone like you
I am a woman, but it happened to me
Cause I have shown too much than what's supposed to be
And now I just want to let these feelings flee.

I have been so fragile so helpless so weak
And I have been so careless to show you what I felt
You have no concern whether I stumble and fall
You didnt even know that its my first, you asshole!
Now its too late, with you I have never reached any goal.

Can you please just mend this broken heart of mine,
A call or a message would help me just fine.
A show of concern, an apology would do
Tell me that you dont mean to make me feel so blue.
Oh and that you'd not try to do that to other girls too.

Perhaps, this is the end of my short lived romance.
That had only happened in my forlorn mind bychance,
I had invested too much of my emotions, effort and time
For something too elusive and not even worth a dime
I have been a fool for my penchant to find love, what a crime!

I hope, this is a lesson learned for me,
and for all the other ladies who have never set sail to see
That love is not something you have to beg nor hunt for
cause if its for you, its just gonna happen, hardcore!
No need to desperately search for that golden door.

Loving myself is a first chore I have to understand.
For it is only in knowing my worth, that I wont stand for something half cooked.
It may take a while, when I can find that knight of mine
But know for sure, that he'll accept and love me, that's a sign!
Patience my heart is all you need, for now you dont need to grieve!

Its not a loss, but a lesson I just have to take,
that in this life, you'll meet different man of different make,
I guess for some this is too trashy, but have faith everyone's got some garbage too
You just have too take it out, and clean the mess that it left you
Carry on, carry on! Meet the new days coming ahead with a smile and a greeting too!

You're too strong a lady to dwell on that hurting.
That's not even worth a minute of crying.
You can be sure, that if you do improve yourself a bit more
In time, you'll be the girl every man has been waiting for.
Be jolly and know the future has more for you in store!

A happy woman is a happy woman who does not need a man to complete her happiness.
Be happy, and get back to the happy routine you have been in, before him.
Someone worth it would definitely be engaged with a woman like you.
No one's gonna encourage you to bounce back from that hard fall, but me alone.
So bid him tata, and get on with life, know that with the right guy, you shall feel no wrong!

On dating

Found something perfect at the moment. Copied and posted from Tumblr.

Date a man who dreams

Date a man who dreams.
Date a man who doesn’t spend his money on drink, or clothes, or video games, but saves what he has to go on adventures and pursue his dreams. He might have problems dealing with everyday things but no-one sees the possibilities life holds like he does. This is a man who is ready for anything, who will drop everything on a moment’s notice to run away and get lost somewhere with you or show up unannounced to whisk you away on some crazy adventure. Date a man who sees the world in millions of colours, who has his head in the clouds and his feet on the ground.
Date a man who hasn’t got the money to spoil you or shower you with gifts but finds a way to do it anyway. You can trust that he’ll find a way to touch your heart and make you feel special in new ways. He knows that words and gifts aren’t what matters. Every time he gives you something or writes to you he is giving you a piece of his soul. And every time you give him something or write to him he will truly treasure it and understand the effort you put in to choosing the gift, the words, or even making it yourself.
Date a man who sees how amazing you are even if you don’t see it yourself, who sees how good things could be for you. Because a man like this who can see the end goal, the big picture, will keep on going because no obstacle can compare to what lies ahead. Date a man who believes in true love, in romance. He will dream up incredible fantasies that the two of you can bring to life together. He will take you places other people can’t even imagine. Date a man who believes in you, because he will help you believe as well. He will see echoes of you in every thing of beauty, and he sees beauty in everything. A man like this will always think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world and will always be there for you.
Date a man who reads books and comics, who watches films and cartoons, who laughs at stupid jokes and knows when to fall into a reverential silence and drink in the moment with you. You can just be yourself with him and he’ll just be himself. He’ll understand why you love the things you do and he’ll appreciate them and be interested in them too, even his own passions lie elsewhere. He understands your whims and desires, because he’s seen them acted out in his mind. And whatever the scenario, no matter how bad things get, he sees how the story ends. And because he sees how it ends, he knows that all tragedies are overcome, all villains vanquished and fears are banished, no matter how desperate the situation may appear. Better still, date a man who writes.
Date a man who can’t be pigeon holed into any one category, who can mingle in any crowd but doesn’t truly fit in any one scene. He’s an individual, a man who knows what it takes to stand out from the crowd and who doesn’t mind being judged or thought of as different. That’s why he will never judge you or make lazy assumptions about you. That’s why he will always see you as your own person, as a unique and wonderful individual.
Fail him. Let him down. Hurt him. He’ll do the same to you: but he knows that this is just how things go. He knows that life is made up of ups and downs. He will understand that when you lash out at him or push him away, there are many reasons why. Instead of getting mad or retaliating he’ll try and make things right. He knows when to apologise and admit to making mistakes. He’s also quick to forgive because he knows how easy it is to make mistakes. He understands that your flaws and vulnerabilities make you beautiful and strong.
He knows that perfect harmony doesn’t exist and that nothing is forever. He knows that you see this too: he sees beauty and freedom in this and wants to help you see it too. He knows fear and embraces it. He knows sadness. He knows his many flaws. He is prepared to adapt and to change because he respects your values and your opinions. He knows that nobody is perfect but that doesn’t stop him trying to do his best. He knows that love needs to be worked for, that relationships are a constant flow from love and laughter to arguments and conflict, that like all things the good times come with the bad and that the dancing and loving and laughing are worth the fighting. He wants you to be happy even if it means not being with you, but in his heart he believes that he can make you happy like nobody else and so will do anything to be with you.
Date a man who remembers every little thing about you, who is intuitive, who can see when you’re happy or sad, when you need cheering up or when you want to get away from it all or just forget everything for a while. He sees everything about you. He understands that you’ll be a different person from moment to moment, that you’ll change your mind and your mood without warning. He knows that you can switch between being a baller shot caller, a kawaii otaku, an artistic auteur or a femme fatale in the blink of an eye, an that they are all a part of who you are. He loves and pays attention to each and every aspect of your personality, from the girl who needs to be cuddled and cared for to the woman with her own needs and desires.
Date a man who fights to be in your life no matter what. A man who values you and believes he should be with you will only see that you are scared of how much this could mean for both of you. This kind of guy who will always be there for you when the times are tough, who is always looking out for you even when you’re not together or when you cannot see him. Date a man who will always believe you should be together: a man who will never give up on you no matter what. Date a man you’re scared to date, precisely because you cannot think of a reason you should be scared to be with him.
Date a man who knows that this isn’t about him, but about you: a man who loves you with his heart and soul. You deserve it.
Date a man who dreams. Who dreams about you.
Or better yet, date a man who lives his dreams.